The "disease" has struck my body hard today. I slept most of the sunlight away and allowed my impersonal self to answer the phone. I'm weak of body and spirit and that moment.
I'm bipolar. Obligatory stats: Officially diagnosed when I was 15 years old but I remember the "highs and lows" from early childhood. I was the moody child. Yes, I take my meds (the worse question in the world to ask a mentally ill person, by the way). I see my doc and therapist regularly. I work a full time job. I'm a single mother....And I survive.
True heroes of this world are the silent ones. Those people that overcome their personal adversities to live their daily lives to the fullest. They inspire others with their quiet ways. I'll be damned, but I wonder how they do it. Fernando Pessoa wrote "I envy all people, because I'm not them."
Ahhh..But don't allow my wandering thoughts bring you down. My life is a journey. My daily self changes. And I wake every day fighting for myself. I love what this world offers (mysteries are plentiful here) and i don't intend to leave without sampling a bit of everything.
"Before the beginning of great brilliance there must be chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish in the crowd." (I Ching)
And ladies and gentleman, this would be me....
It's a pleasure meeting you :)
original comment 11/26/03 10:15 AM
Posted by: Ivette | 03 January 2004 at 01:22 PM