CPS visit number two was this evening at 8 p.m.
Don't you love surprise visits?
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CPS visit number two was this evening at 8 p.m.
Don't you love surprise visits?
Posted at 08:55 PM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
lyrics by Henry Nemo, Duke Ellington, & John Redmond
I let a song go out of my heart
It was the sweetest melody
I know I lost heaven 'cause you were the song
Since you and I have drifted apart
Life doesn't mean a thing to me
Please come back, sweet music, I know I was wrong
Am I too late to make amends?
You know that we were meant to be more than just friends, just friends
I let a song go out of my heart
Believe me, darlin', when I say
I won't know sweet music until you return some day
I let a song go out of my heart
Believe me, darlin', when I say
I won't know sweet music until you return some day
Posted at 12:44 PM in Emotional Clef | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Dreams are consistently puzzling. I do admit there has been a lot of sex in my unconscious ramblings. Lack of sex? Or the intimacy of my inner thoughts represented by one of the most intimate acts?
My lower right side is aching. Ovarian pain perhaps. It's hard to say.
I am still depressed. Not as pissy which is a gift unto the world. I'm unbearable when I'm in a foul mood. Everything becomes my soap box in an obnoxious way. And I tend to lose all rules of decorum when I speak to people. My frank way of expressing myself just becomes rude and uncensored.
I am in need of a full body massage. My back is aching. I seriously injured it years ago. Probably years of doing things myself which includes moving furniture alone. I woke in the night in excruciating pain and when standing upright, I was the crooked on man with the crooked cane. My posture and walk were obviously painful. I spent months seeing my rheumatologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, and internist. All of them said that I needed surgergy and couldn't even fathom how I was getting about with the disc bulg in my back, the disc deteoriation, and the beginnings of arthritis. My answer:I'm a single mother. So after going the rounds with medications from the mild to the narcotic, I opted for physical therapy. Helped soooo much. I'm not in as much pain and my foot doesn't drag anymore. But I still have pain. The extra weight on my body doesn't help. Boy...all that to explain that I long for a body massage.
I'm just a mess. I completely understand why I'm not attractive to men. Physical, mental, and emotional baggage. Blah!!! Bad self image day.
Yep. I'm depressed. All I want to do is sleep.
Fucking life.
Posted at 09:32 AM in One Little White Pill | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
So, I have a bit of a temper. Just a wee bit. Yesterday's post about my mood. I should have exercised my right to withdraw to my house and be a hermit. But nooooooooooo....I had to support fucking literacy.
Em and I had gone to Baskin Robbins with Steph and James for free cone night. I was in a bad mood as noted before but free ice cream was going to pick me up. When we got to the shop, parking was insane which I already planned for But what irks me are those people that decide that they're going to walk to their cars with icecream in hand and then they just stand there. Parking lot is full and you just stand there while people are trying to find a fucking place. I drove around twice cussing like a mad woman.
Finally get a spot and Em wants to sit in the car to listen to Eminem. I tell her that James and Steph are waiting for us and let's go. She's not happy with me so she dawdles.
We walk into the shop and I notice that they've closed one of the doors not allowing access through it. They open the other to control the flow of traffic. Note: I hate, absolutely hate, when people have to use the same door to go in and out. I look at people who stare at a fully functioning door that is closed and people try to smash themselves through one door. People, are we that moronic?! So, when a store chooses to close a door thinking it will help them. FUCKING STUPID! But anyways.....
Standing right inside the door is an employee behind a podium type thing. He's marking everyone's hand with a highlighter and directs us to the back of the line. Neon signs throughout the store give directions stating that we should have our flavor ready when we are served and we can upgrade the scoop size by paying 50 cents. I know what I'm having: something with cheesecake...been craving it all day. Attached to the cases are small dowels with more signs. Each sign has the flavors in the case beside it. I see it: NY cheesecake. HELL YES!!!
So we move to the line. I tell Em that she needs to pick a flavor. She's dawdling. "I don't know." I tell her that she needs to be prepared or I'll have to let everyone before us. I know I didn't say it in the nicest voice but I was already pissy. Steph pays for Em to have a bigger scoop.
It's our turn. I move to the open workers and say that I want cheesecake. "We don't have cheesecake." Yes you do, I tell them. "We don't have cheesecake." I point to the sign and say that it's on the sign. They tell me that I have to move down to the other worker where the sign is. O-K-A-Y!
I move down and remind Em to give the employee her coupon for the bigger size scoop. I remind her a couple of times and she finally does. So, looking at the employee directly in front of me I tell her that I want the cheesecake on a cone. "We don't have cheesecake." Yes, you do. "No, we don't." I point to the sign right freaking beside her head. Your sign says you have cheesecake, I say. She looks at it and says, "We don't have cheesecake but we have Key Lime. Sorry." O-fucking-kay. I mumble that it's stupid advertising something they don't have. I look really quickly and pick something else.
By this time, Em is sitting at a table licking her cone. She's had about one or two licks when I tell her it's time to go. I'm at the door when Em, Steph, and James join me. That's when I see it. A family led by this man coming in the door. I move to the side to let them pass. It was obvious that they weren't going to let us out. He had more room being outside compared to us who are cramped in a fucking regulation size Baskin Robbins....small as a mouse's nipple. But I step aside.
Walking out the door, I look behind me to see if my group is still in tow or being held up by stupid guy and his family. Em is squating down to pick up her brand new cone. The employee with the highlighter is watching my daughter as she picks it up. I rush back to her knowing she's going to be upset. Stupid ass is watching us the entire time. Em stands up and asks him what she's supposed to do with it. HE LOOKS THE FUCK AWAY! I tell her to throw it away in the makeshift trash by the door. I offer her mine and she doesn't want it....nothing she likes anyways. I look at the man who happens to be looking at us again. I ask him about getting another cone. HE LOOKS THE FUCK AWAY AGAIN! So, I walk up to the counter and explain that Em just dropped her brand new cone and can she get another one. "No, I'm sorry."
That's it. I've had it. I walk back towards the door...those huge three steps. Throw my cone like a professional pitcher at the trash and exclaim in a generous tone. "YOU GUYS SUCK!"
Out the door we go. I'm cussing the entire time: "FUCKING STORE!"
Emma walks to the car deflated and crying. I wait for James and Steph to make my apologies for being a bitch with a temper and to explain we were going home. I was calmer but still cussing like an illiterate fool with an IQ of four and a vocabulary of profanities. James at one point says, "You're an intelligent woman and I expected more than you suck." I can belt out a good rant but not when my hands are shaking. (warning: if my hands are shaking, move away from me!)
Now this is what makes this family outing more endearing. Asshole that walked in the door? Steph, James, and Em tells me that he bumped Emma which caused her to drop her cone in front of the idiot worker who looked away to avoid any involvement.
I didn't act very lady-like. I admit that. It has taken me years to calm my temper down to a small simmer rather than a full boil. BUT FUCKING BASKIN ROBBINS!!! MAY YOUR ICECREAM TURN SOUR THIS WEEK! STUPID FUCKING PUNK ASS BITCHES!!!
I was going to contact the store's general manager or owner for the idiocy of yesterday but I'm not very nice right now. It's not worth it. I'm sensitive right now.
On the way home, I stopped at the store and picked up ice cream for Emma and me. I will not go into the ordeal with my flat tire. I'm too wound up as is.
Literacy, good. Baskin Robbins, bad.
Posted at 01:47 PM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Carrie sent this in an email. DON'T CHEAT!!! It'll take all the fun out of it. The answers will be in the comments. Leave a comment with your score.
Subject: Mind Teasers
This can be more difficult than it looks - it just shows how little most of us really see!
There are 29 questions about things we see every day or have known about all our lives. How many can you get right?
These little simple questions are harder than you think--it just shows you how little we pay attention to the common place things of life. Put your thinking caps on.
No using anything on or in your desk or computer!
Can you beat 20?? (The average is 7) Write down your answers and check answers (on the bottom) AFTER completing all the questions.REMEMBER - NO CHEATING!!! Then, before you pass this on to your friends, change the number on the subject line to show many you got correct in the subject line.
1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there? (Don't laugh, some people don't know)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two letters don't appear on the telephone dial? (No cheating!)
6. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
7. When you walk does your left arm swing w/your right or left leg?
8. How many matches are in a standard pack?
9. On the United States flag is the top stripe red or white?
10. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
11. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
12. Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?
13. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
14. Which side of a women's blouse are the buttons on?
15. On a NY license plate, is New York on the top or bottom?
16. Which way do fans rotate?
17. Whose face is on a dime?
18. How many sides does a stop sign have?
19. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
20. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
21. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
22. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?
23. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
24. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
25. On which side of a Venetian blind is the cord that adjusts the opening between the slats?
26. On the back of a $1 bill, what is in the center?
27. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
28. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
29. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?
Posted at 04:27 PM in Mind Cornucopia | Permalink | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)
I'm not happy. Agitated. Slightly depressed. Nitpickingly pissy.
Update on the toes: They're not broken. The initial shock wore off hours later and I could actually bend them. I shocked the hell out of them with the tire but they are doing better. I know the nailbeds are bruised. I should probably take off the nailpolish and check them out...but I really don't give a fuck what they look like beneath the fire engine red. They ache still with the pain still extending into my foot. So, it's not just a simple bruise. I really hurt myself. BUT I don't think they are broken.
Moving on...I've got serious issues about some words out there in the world being used. Please in my vicinity don't use 'bling' or that 'hizznet, shizznet, f'shizzle' shit or whatever the fuck that is. Other things are tolerable because I say them in jest but those two...I'll fucking walk away from you. It's stupid. It's intolerable. It's the most idiotic, cretinous abuse of the language. I'm sure there are more words that annoy me but those two make me want to smother someone in honey and goose feathers.
Next topic:I woke from yet another darling of a dream. Monday night I had a dream that involved Vincent running around caves in the nude. I'm not going into further detail. Last night's dream involved someone I know and I'm NOT FUCKING HAPPY!!!!
So, I woke with that dream pressed into my cranial spaces. But my emotional Titanic moved into happier waters. Then my disobedient brain shifted again and I went into a sad roll of self loathing. Now? Now, I'm just pissy and unwelcoming.....give me a few minutes and I'll change colors for you again.
Key to Naomi: When I'm like this, I don't like anyone. It's a passing thing and don't take offense. You've done nothing but I can seriously say, I don't like you. It's just me. I avoid people as much as I can when I'm like this. And if I can't avoid you, I'll say very very very little. My friend Niambi said to me once, "I know when you are in a bad mood. You only say 'yep' and 'nope' instead of talking more."
That's me. Other people pick up on it too. Hristos has pointed out time and time again that I resort to one word answers. Uh-huh. I'll tell you the secret why. In my head, I've cursed you in a sarcastic bitchy tone. I've yelled at you. I've taken profanity to new heights. I've rambled like a woman possessed about all the ills in the world. All in a matter of seconds. If I'm chatting with you onlne, I've actually written it all out. BUT I edit it down to what I know is right. I've filtered out everything that is not nice and not right. I've deleted everything that is not deserved and could ruin a friendship. And you get, One-word answer Naomi. It's just safer when I'm in this state of....Naominess.
Next ramble: There are some freaking blog snobs out there.
Manic thought no. 15, 230, 647 for the day: I want some M&Ms. Saw a commercial for them last night and I don't think I'm going to feel satisfied until I've had mine...yeah, I'm still talking about M&Ms.
And ever wondered...what's the written rule about meteorologist being funny?! Al Roker sucks. He's not funny. I can't stand him because of his attempt at humor. Bloody hell! He's a good guy, so it seems. He does good charity work but please....someone write for him. There are a few meterologists out there that make me laugh or are just personable. Brian Teglund at Carrie's news station in Memphis and Jim Loznicka at a station in Mobile AL. BUT somebody please just shut Roker up.
Damn day! I need something.
Posted at 09:33 AM in L'autre côté du rêve, One Little White Pill | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
When Em was about one year old, I decided to buy her a baby doll. I didn't want to spend an exorbitant amount because I wasn't sure she would like one. So, off to Wal-mart I went without her on the search of a doll.
I wanted something simple that Em could tote around everywhere including the bath. There were too many frilly ones with voice chips, ones with lashes longer than the hair on their heads, babes that could pee and dolls that could walk. I was getting frustrated with the variety. I was upset that all the dolls that were larger than life and came with too many options. I wanted a simple doll that a small one could lug about with no problems.
I was going to put the search off for another day at another store when I saw the dolls. Simple doll with a plastic, hairless head and a sweet smell that must have been mixed in with the plastic as it was being made. It was a doll wearing a robe. Plastic miniatures of shampoo and baby powder accompanied the baby, and I had a choice in theme colors. And the price was only five dollars!
I grabbed a doll in yellow and was elated.
Emma fell in love with her instantly. And when we talked (as much as a young toddler and her mom can talk) about names, our plastic purchase was christened Isabella.
The memories of Emmaline and Isabella can fill a set of books.
The first time Em bathed with her, Isabella's little head filled with water. At the end of the bath, I emptied her out by removing her head. Emmaline screamed when she saw Izzy's head come off. I had to turn from her to finish draining the water out and put her head back on. Any bathing after that, Em would give me Isabella and turn her own head away while closing her eyes while I did the grim deed of emptying.
When Emma had her naked period, Isabella went about town sans clothes. Adults would try to dress the doll and my daughter would strip her naked in a frenzied frustrated fury.
Isabella has received gifts of clothes and accessories. She has her own stroller, a doll walker (picked up from a thrift store), and a doll Snugli. She's a spoiled doll.
Iz travels with us whenever we go out of town. She's been to Missouri, Wisconsin, back and forth between Tennessee and Florida, and even to Disney World. Now that Emma is older, she is responsible for getting her travelling entertainment together. On a trip to Memphis not too long ago, she forgot Izzy and we refused to turn around. Emmaline screamed and cried incessantly for the first thirty minutes and was miserably lonely the entire trip.
Needless to say, Isabella means the world to my child. Every morning Emmaline kisses her, lays her against the pillow, and covers her up. Every night Isabella is cradled in Em's arms until she falls asleep. Emma has loved her so much, she's missing eyelashes on one eye and her plastic skin is stained with dirt. Isabella's toes are painted; and after eight years, her clothes still get changed by the little mother that loves her so much. And don't dare mishandle her or you'll have an eight year old to deal with.
Emma was never forced into loving this doll or any gender based toys. Since she was old enough to interact with toys, I've bought playthings from both the 'girls' and 'boys' sections at the stores. She's grown up with trucks, kitchen sets, Legos, Bratz, puzzles, cards, Pokemon, games, blocks, and the lot. But, Isabella outweighs them all in value.
My daughter will be nine years old in August, and she's self conscious of many things already. She's going through her period of peer acceptance, and any little thing can jeopardize that in her mind's eye. Em sometimes refuses me a kiss in the morning when I drop her off because she doesn't want to be embarrassed. She frets about her hair and her skiin. She's growing up. BUT...she'll still drag Isabella, with her scent that is still as sweet as the first day she came home, about and cares less what others think ( Iz has been to school with Em). Emmaline loves this doll....even more than the cats.
Posted at 08:51 AM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Eggs, 'used' girls panties, and yes...even toilet paper (it's a theme running here at Light and Darkness. TP for everyone). It's amazing what you can find in a vending machine in this modern day of convenience.
I found this at little. yellow. different. Thank you, sir for the direct.
Posted at 05:02 PM in Mind Cornucopia | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Accidentally dropping the spare tire squarely on your first and second toes whilst trying to put it back in the trunk.
Um, I think I've broken my toes. The pain is radiating from the toes into the metatarsals. There's very little bending happening. The bottom pad of my foot directly connected to the big toe aches too. And I only dropped the tire on the nail portions of my first and second toes. There's some swelling and redness on the top of my foot in the area leading into those toes.
I've never broken a bone so I don't know. I HAVE torn cartilage and and the supporting framework in my knee and ankle.
This is definitely worse than stubbing a toe.
Perhaps when the initial pains subside, I'll know more.
Sad thing? I haven't learned my lesson. I'll continue to be barefooted.
Posted at 01:06 PM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Anyone else getting a huge amount of spam filtered to your inbox instead of the trash because of t his stup id techni que? It pisses me off! I know I shouldn't be bothered by it...it's just superflous mail I can delete without opening but it isn't just that. Stupid ass spammers. They always find a way to put crap in my email.
Free p 0rn.
These p ussies are h0t
Give me a freaking break! It's not a difficult thing to find *wink wink* photos on the internet.
Wish there was a way to make internet spammers pay a fee (50 cents) for each message sent. Give all that money to some charity like a literacy program.
Stupid asses would easily find a way around that.
Posted at 09:18 AM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Ok, dear ones....great news for {public domain}! They made it to the next round. BUT it's time to vote again. We're going to skyrocket Doug and his mates to the music stratosphere. It's not just because we like him (though he's a sweetie) but they really are good.
Even if you don't agree, vote for him anyways...or I'll have to go Guido on your ass. Seriously, this is a fantastic opportunity for {public domain} and I would love for us to help them get it. Vote as many times as you want but put at least five in.
Ok....my pimping is done for today.
Posted at 08:08 AM in Mind Cornucopia | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today is Blazing Jez's birthday. So, head on over to her and give her some birth anniversary lovin'!
Sami, Em and I want to say Happy Birthday. We hope that it is filled with extraordinarily scrumptious delights. We send vibes of love and pray that the next year is filled with great blessings.
Have lots of fun, woman! I'm glad we've had a chance to cross paths in our life and wish the best for you.
Happy Birthday Sami!!!
Posted at 12:01 AM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Sadly, I did not dream of a sexy man last night. The dream I have brought into the waking world was about white, fluffy, double sheets of toilet paper. I laugh and weep as I recall the vivid bits.
Ok, let me preface this by saying that if someone offers you a helping hand...don't become desparate before saying "YES! HELL YES!" Just humbly say thank you and don't argue.
So, last night I had a dream that involved toilet paper. The first part is me, I think, sitting on the pot staring at my last dwindling roll of TP. I'm dreadfully sad because it's the last roll and I don't know how I'm going to get any more. Cuts to me walking into the bathroom the next morning or some other time later. Scattered about the room are rolls of toilet paper in varying stages of dwindling downdom, from brand new rolls with the ends still glued down to a roll with one quarter of it left. I call someone in to the bathroom with me...I don't know if it was Emma and someone else, but I know there was a man. I exclaim that it's a miracle. God answered my prayers. I explain that we had the last bit of the roll left and I prayed for my toilet paper, and miraculously more toilet paper was suddenly here. I wept.
Strange, yes. Yes, I know.
Now to the shameful bit. We have less than a quarter of a roll left. I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do...thus the dream...I've got a few dollars in rolled pennies left. That's it. That's all my money save for the twenty-five dollars I have in my savings account that keeps it alive.
Folks, poverty is when a) you are thinking of stealing toilet paper from the facilities of your former employment while you go up there to visit the friend that works in the cafe and b)you actually dream of toilet paper as a miracle of God.
I laugh at this. I really do. How can one not find this funny? But if I actually start laughing in real life, I'm going to cry.
Fucking god! My life is insane. Sad and insane.
Posted at 12:15 PM in L'autre côté du rêve | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
You know what makes a woman pissy? Posting the answers to the following question and when she goes to post, her journalling service goes down. Damnit!!!
Ali asks:
1. If you could change the people in this world what would be (one positive and one negetive) attribute you would change?
Tolerance and indifference. People tend to stay in their comfort zones especially when confronted with something new and different. You can't fault someone for being ignorant. It happens that people have never had the opportunity to learn about the new thing. But when a person refuses to try and acquire new information regarding different people, races, cultures, sexual preferences, gender, ages, etc....when they choose to remain indifferent to the opportunity to learn? Hate, bigotry, prejudice are born. You don't have to agree or subscribe to another's way of life but tolerance is key.
2. List the ideal mate for you? (with your senses: sight, smell, feel, sound)?
Well, I prefer that he is taller than I. I like an expressive face. Though I prefer dark hair and dark eyes, that's not the hard and fast rule. I truly can say that I am attracted to personality more than physical appearance. Ideally, he has to have an wickedly awesome sense of humor. Be calmer than me as to compliment my more active one. Intelligent, I prefer to have someone I can have a conversation with on anything that pops into my head or his. Creative in some way. Loves children and pets. Adventurous so that we're not sitting around watching the television constantly....blah. Compassionate. Well-spoken. Says 'I love you' and shows there are meaning behind the words without reservation. Has a sense of spirituality...doesn't mean he has to be a church-goer. He just has to have that spirit of something more within him. Good start?
3. Open toe sandles or closed, and why the choice?
Open toed sandals BECAUSE I prefer to be barefooted. The more freedom I can give my feet, the happier I am.
Lori's 3 Burning Questions:
1. What do you like most about people?
Our ability to be compassionate. There are definitely those people in the world that refuse to share that gift. We see it often. And on the flip side, we have the empathetic who don't go a day without feeling and helping their brethern. Compassion is a trait shared among the rich and poor alike, the educated elite and the mentally disabled, the sinner and the saint.
2. What connects you to your spirit or sense of spirituality?
It's just a feeling. I don't have a specific bauble like my rosaries, my mini Buddha, or the picture of Ganesha that reminds me that I'm spiritual or spirit filled. I feel connected by that invisible tether between me and God. I sense it when I look at nature in all her forms. And despite all the uncertainty and instability in my life, there is this calm within me like the stone pit of a peach. It's at my core and if I know it will be solid no matter what happens to the outside. I just know.
3. What's the funniest (and I do mean so good you pee yourself) joke that you know?
I laugh every time I tell this joke....well, actually story. I've posted it on Light and Darkness but had to shorten it because of the original posting on AOL with its character limitation. It's the Jesus at the Pearly Gates story. FUNNY!!! It's so funny. I tell it much better in person. Bit of the dramatics with it.
Lillie three:
1. If you could change one thing in your life what would that be.
In all honesty, I fear changing anything. I just know that several of the decisions and who I am led up to the people in my life especially Emmaline. BUT let's assume that noone would be absent in my life due to this change....I would change my mental illness. Bipolar has completely ruled my life. I've had great moments and horrific times. In general though, nothing I do is without influence of my mental illness. Everything from tying my shoes to saying 'I love you.' I don't exaggerate.
2. Who do you think is the most beautiful person you have ever seen?
Emmaline. If I have more children in the future, I would add them to the list. To see her interaction and discovery of the world and her own self, is an amazing thing. I've been part of her exploration of her life from the moment of her conception and it's truly a beautiful thing to see a person develop. I think the most beautiful person is the one you love the most and I've yet to find anyone I love more than Emmaline.
3. If you had the chance to go any place in the world where would that be?
I can only pick one?! I don't have an absolute preference to this question, because where I want to travel to are completely equal in my attention. I'd love to walk through the Valley of the Kings as much as travel to my birthplace in the Philippines. But if I were travelling around the world and had to start with one destination...I've always wanted to go to Italy. If you want specifics, then Venice. I want to experience this city before the waters erode its history and present.
Alicia's query:
1. Chocolate or vanilla?
Whenever I reach for a pudding or order a shake, it's vanilla. I'm by far a plain Jane but between the two...most definitely vanilla.
2. Who would you like to meet most?
You and Lillie got together on a couple of these, right? Eh, I've always wanted to meet the Pope. I don't want any Pope after or any before. It has to be the current man with the funny hat. But I also want to meet many of my online buds. I have yet to meet my Hristos in person. Ultimately...and this is going to be a hokey answer...I want to meet the woman I really am.
3. What one bit of advice would you give everyone you come across?
Every person you meet changes your life so use the encounter as an opportunity to improve yourself which in turn improves the world. Whether that person is distateful or the most saintly, how you respond to him or her is a reflection of your compassion and love for the world...and yourself. Don't waste the interaction.
And last but definitely not least, Carrie wonders:
If you had to give up food or sex, which would it be?
I've gone without sex. It's not pretty. And as long as I've got water....I should probably answer this question when I'm not so sexually frustrated.
If you could have one additional physical attribute, usually associated with another animal--ie. wings, fur, sharp teeth, claws, speed, four stomachs--what would it be, and why?
Ability to swim for long periods of time beneath the water whether from gills or uber-lungs. My first thought was wings to have that floating sensation in the air but when I was writing an analogy for why, I was comparing it to swimming weightlessly in the water. I want to survive in the water's deep.
If your house burned (and Emma was safely somewhere else), what one thing would you save?
My box of letters and journals. Actually my journals are in my bedside table but assuming I can grab my letters from love ones, which is housed in a large covered plastic tub in my room, I'd just throw the journals in it as well.
Still looking forward to more questions.
Posted at 12:40 PM in Daily Musings | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I had a horrible dream last night involving Mrs. Devine. She called yesterday asking whether or not Shawn showed up to finish the house. Said she couldn't reach him.
Here's the thing....I know her plot. My brother lives with her. He has a cell phone with voicemail and caller ID. She may not have reached him immediately, but the man would have seen or talked to her eventually. She just wanted to call me. She does this.
So, as a result my dreams were laden with the woman and police officers.
Stupid ass subconscious!
Posted at 10:13 AM in Daily Musings, L'autre côté du rêve | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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