Emmaline is staying with my sister in Tennessee for spring break this week, and it is a bit lonely without her in the house. I had trouble sleeping on the first night without her. Not my usual insomniac ways. Those I can deal with. Sunday night was that empty nest syndrome feeling. It's a pang that takes some getting use to.
Last night was easier to fall asleep because I was struck with a monstrosity of a viral bug that decided to infect me masquarading as a slight cold on Sunday. I went through the day yesterday with a headache and sniffling. Went out for dinner and drinks last night with a few friends and then....BAM!!! I went to bed with fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, and the lot.
Feeling better today. AND no, I did not overdo the drinking last night. I had ONE Red Snapper last night. That's all. Nothing else but water and half a glass of tea. I'm back to the cold symptoms today with achy feeling all over my body. eck!
Missing my Pie. I've spoken to her a couple of times and she appears to be doing well. I'm glad. I've been without her for this long before but it still hurts to be without your child.
Finally got my car's tags renewed. THANK GOD!!! I don't think I posted this but I received my first ticket (EVER) last month for expired tags. I'm also insured. DAMN, today has been a good day so far. Now, I don't have to worry as much when I'm speeding down the road at 3000 mph. I worry not about speeding tickets. It's the other little crappers (like the tags) that I obsess about.
Still looking for a job. Folks, if you knew the crap I was going through...geez. All I can say is that I'm glad I have a sense of humor. By the way, did you know that those little people that hold the signs on the street corners for that furniture store that always seems to be going out of business make about ten dollars an hour?! At least they do here in Pensacola.
So, anyway....just a post. Achy, lonely, but here.
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