Did you read all those posts I've been keeping up with for NaBloPoMo? I've done such a fucktastic job.
First, I did not win anything at the casinos. When it comes to me, Lady Luck ran away screaming, trying desperately to avoid me; and whilst not paying attention to the path ahead, she ran into the road and got hit by a bus full of blue hairs returning home from their bingo trip up to the Indian Reservation where they won about $2500 each.
It was a good time though. Emma always gets excited staying in a hotel room and I can't blame her. It's a nice little luxury, don't you agree? You can make a helluva mess if you want and you're not responsible for cleaning it up. That and all the minis that manage to find their way home in your luggage or purse. Throw in a jacuzzi tub, room service, and cable? It was niiiiiiice.
Mom gave me money to gamble with so I used none of my own (though money and Naomi are not complimentary. No, they're very Socratic.....I am Naomi; therefore, I have no money). I was actually doing OK. I'd lose about forty dollars (mind you, I love playing the penny machines. I lose money fast so I stick to machines that the maximum bet is only four dollars. Usually, I'm betting forty cents....ooooo, big spender.) but would get ahead about twenty.
Well, I made a huge mistake. I went back to this machine that I won about sixty dollars on. This guy was pulling his player club card out of it when I asked him if he was done. He took this as a sign that he should hit on me for the next hour. He was harmless at first because he just sat at the next slot and rambled, drunkenly that another woman had won a couple of hundred dollars on it. He was OK. Gave a couple of helpful hints. Then he showed me another machine of the same theme. Still OK. But then he started getting unbearable. Asking where I was from since I look from another country. Telling me he was in the military before. Every now and then, he'd do that friendly gesture touch of the shoulder.
I'm pretty passive when it come to other people's little idiosyncrasies. I figure that people really don't mean any harm so I bear through a lot of things. However, he started asking personal questions about my husband...you know that hook, ladies. You say "I'm not married" and then the bugger never leaves you alone. I just say that my hubby isn't on the floor. I'm losing money now. He talks and talks trying to fish out of me on how often I go to the casinos. Once a year, I tell him.
Then he asks, "Do you have a cell?" Yes. "I have a cell too. Here take this. 8-5-0..." Recognizing my own area code, I stopped him there. Out of my mouth comes, "No, I can't do that. He will get upset about my having another man's number in my cell phone especially one he doesn't know. It's not right."
He tries to reason that we're not going to do anything wrong. That I shouldn't let that stop me. blah blah blah. Still losing money.
I tell him that I'm going to go. Thanks for the tips. Yadda yadda yadda. I leave him and run off in another direction. About ten minutes later I find another spot to hang out and do my thing. I start winning my money back when mister finds me and sits his ass down next to me.
SHIT! I start losing again while his drunken ass starts hitting on me again. After five minutes of trying to ignore him and his incessant talking, I get up telling him I'm heading upstairs for some Tylenol. Good luck to him.
I make my way away from him, go towards the elevators and then double back to other machines. I head to the bathroom and waste about ten or so minutes there before heading back out to the floor.
I find a machine and start winning again...nothing big but getting back what I've lost so I'd at least break even when I left.
ASSHOLE finds me again! Fuck! Sits down and fuck if I don't lose my money again. I've had it with him and with only eight freakin dollars left, I turn to him and ask if he's a cooler.
"Cooler? What's that?...<incoherent mumbling> Oh, I see. Why do you say that?"
"Well, I was ahead until you sat down."
"You weren't ahead. You only had twenty dollars."
I had more than forty and this last time I had sat down with only ten to start with.
"No. All I know is that I was winning," I say standing up."Every time you sit down next to me, I start losing. You're making me lose my mojo. Filipinas are very superstitious. I keeping winning until you sit down next to me." With that I walk away.
I find take my last remaining eight dollars, less than what I had to start with the last time I sat down, and find another machine...but it was all gone. Fucker sucked out the good ju-ju.
I had fun despite drunk man. Mom wants to go back every month. I can do that. Even without the gambling, I love just getting away from this place for a bit.
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