The first time I ever heard that word was in my high school biology class. I couldn't understand why my teacher suggested Youth in Asia as a topic for a research paper in a science class. Yeah, I know. Moronic. I think I actually picked that topic for Mrs. Allen's class and discovered an amazing amount of information. If it wasn't my topic, then I sure as hell did read a lot on the pros and cons of euthansia for pleasure. Twisted.
Anyways...where do you stand? Are you for or against? Circumstances that you would allow it to occur? Absolute nos? Who should control the approval for such a final act? Should it be the government who allows it for population control and the survival of the human species? A Soylent Green show of altruism? Should private citizens take it into their own hands? But would that lead way to exorbitant numbers of suicides, especially those attempts acted upon during times of strife? Do we kill off the mentally ill or the physically challenged? Do different races, sexual orientations, religious subscriptions become deviant behaviors and do the practitioners of said afflictions become the poster children for euthanasia? Horribly, a dystopian view of the world.
It popped into my head whilst walking my dog, Jolie. I'm down. Miserably low because of the events in my life. The plaguing thoughts of suicide popped into my head. How could my death be a gift instead of my selfish act of not trying anymore? There is no proper way to answer that. But it did lead me to think about my life in twenty years. Could I survive being me for another fifty or so years? Or does the sweet silence of death appear reasonable when I'm sixty-five?
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