I had acquired a part time job last month. Nothing big. Working at a convenience store. I hated that I was doing it. Felt like I had dwindled down to nothing in the employment arena. But it was a job with some money.
Never really liked it. Told my manager that. The training was idiotic and incomplete. Didn't really feel like I fit in. Everyone complained about everyone else. But it was a job...gave me some money.
The assistant manager is a Filipina. Typical Filipina personality. Told me that I was pronouncing my name wrong all these years. Would tell me that I'm Filipina and should now better on a number of different things like cleaning. sigh....but at least I had money and didn't feel like a complete moocher off my mother.
Then today. The Filipina pissed me off. For adequate enough reasons for me to quit.
My car is in the shop with at least $1600 worth of repairs. I've three hundred dollars to my name now since giving my mom $500 for the car. I've wasted too much time being unhappy. My life has little meaning. I'm not wasting emotion or time to work at a job that I hate.
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