My phone knows me well. It wanted to put in "A Head Fuck of Pain," which really isn't too far from the truth.
I had my third appointment with Dr. Z (no full name here to protect all our privacies, of course), and I left after having cried a full hour. I tried not to. In full Katherine Hepburn impression....Really, I did. It just won't be that way.
We discuss meds and cognitive behavior therapy next week. I'm looking forward to CBT because I need change. I desperately need positive change in my life and this course just may be the kick in the ass that I need. As I told Dr. Z, I'm willing to be put in a chamber and sent to the ocean floor if it will help. I may need a few moments to think about it but I'll try it.
Medication is a reluctant topic for me. I've stated a couple of reasons why. He seems to understand. I'm also not closed off to the idea. I shouldn't dismiss something that may be completely beneficial to my well-being. Afterall, it may be the pressurized chamber at the ocean bottom.
My head hurts. My eyes. My heart. I am exhausted at the end of these sessions. For years I've been ignoring and repressing shit as a way to deal and facing them head on just feels like a donkey punch right now. I'm doing this though. Better or worse, I'm doing this.
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