I'm trying to watch Andy Warhol films. I have no idea where I can find these gems in their totality. Going online, I did find this list of free films that one can watch online. Found a couple of the Warhol films. Thought I'd share. Enjoy! By the way, if you know where I can see more of Warhol's films, please let me know. Thanks.
Remember when I was complaining that I missed my favorite online folks like Disco? Well, Doug is back with some of his comrades in arms to fuck with us once again. Yay! Make sure you subscribe, bookmark, or tattoo the site on your forehead (whatever gets you off) and visit them regularly.
Seriously, I love this site. LOVE it. It's updated every day, I believe. Relieves depression and gives you second thoughts about wearing that combination Richard Simmons and Gene Simmons outfit you think you look fabulous in...leave it hanging in the back of your closet. PLEASE! Or let me catch you at Walmart so I can snap a photo and win some peopleofwalmart.com swag.
I took this ColorQuiz.com thing three years ago. Decided to take it again and I swear that one of my friends is tattling on me to these bastards at this website. When I find out who, I'm taking off your thumb with my Leatherman and wearing it around my throat on a piece of velvet like a pretty Goth necklace!
I took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!
""Wishes to live in a calm, peaceful, relaxing envi..."
This video is just so damn cute because the band is sincerely trying to be amazing. The song is repetitive and boring and simplistic in a bad way. Nothing about this song excites me. Lyrically, uninteresting. Vocally, annoying. Melody is monotonous and any harmony is almost non-existent. Instrumentally, I think I wrote better shit thirty minutes before an assignment was due in my music theory class....and I'm not a musician. Give me a couple minutes and I'll really tell you how I feel about this song.
The video attempts to be artistic and innovative, again in a simplistic way. It's laughably sweet. I watch it repeatedly because I like the 'surprise' of the band members appearing so dramatically by matchlight. Their faces all aglow. "Take me seriously as an artist," each one says with their silent looks of intent. And then the lead's Jim Morrison stance and walk away from the camera. Sexy time! I just want to pull him on top of me right now and have him dry hump me to Nirvana!
Seriously, I love this video.
post script: Ok. I was a little harsh with that. Do watch some of the other stuff by the group. In the Morning isn't bad. Actually far better than Wire to Wire. And Before I Fall to Pieces is entertaining especially after having just seen The Watchmen last night (eh, don't get me started!). So....every band has a bad song and far worse accompanying video. Right? Still, I laugh.
I love...L-O-V-E...love How To guides such as wikiHow, which make anything seem doable. With absolutely no sarcasm or humor from my part, I searched for a guide to help me put on my socks. Afterall, there may be a day that my method of socking my feet fails to be effective and I need a Plan B (Ok. Maybe a wee bit of sarcasm). Voila! There is one in seven simple steps with warnings to boot.
My favorite wikiHow for today is How to Rock Like Angus Young. Apparently, there were several confused young musicians out there seeking advice on just this subject. Frustrated on the lack of information on the ever expanding internetverese, a wise musician...a sage, if you will...felt compelled. Nay. Driven and obligated to educate these poor souls. Because seriously, who hasn't wanted to be Angus Young?
Unfortunately, there isn't a wikiHow yet on How to Be Tom Jones; but my fingers are crossed.
I'm not a reality show fan but I do watch some...with no regularity. But via CNN, I just (and I mean I just. I'm typing this as I'm streaming the video still.) found out that RuPaul (fabulous) has a new reality show on LOGO. Good god, yay.
Why didn't any of you, my people, not tell me about this show? RuPaul has nine queens vying for the spot of America's next top drag queen. If you don't have cable or LOGO (Charter sucks), you can watch it streaming video at Logo Online.
I do not have a favorite yet. They are all so yummy! I'll keep you posted as it moves forward in the competition.I want to be a drag queen when I grow up. My next life, perhaps!
Yesterday when I first set out to post this entry, something looked wrong. I sat in front of the screen puzzled, crinkling my forehead. I erased the title a few times, but replaced it soon after. It was something I wanted to say. The video clearly reminded me of one particular group. But this title, The Chorus of a Shakesperean Tragedy? Didn't seem right. But I posted it anyway.
Then this morning, whilst in the shower it hit me....Greek Tragedy. The oddest little thing finally rose to the foreground of my brain, almost twelve hours later. Random shit at random times. I'm not changing the title. It irks me that the reference would have been extremely intelligent has fallen stupidly to the side, but it's how my brain works at times.
I have to describe ordinary objects in order to get the word. "That agile creature that hisses and purrs. You know...the one that isn't a dog?" It makes for a good laugh but frustrates the hell outta me.
So...yes, I know there is a big ol' mistake at the very beginning of this post. But what I meant to say was that group of people in plays like Oedipus Rex that wail and cry and emphasize the tragic outcome of those heroes from that distant ancient land also known as Hellas! Yeah.
Watching the video without sound is just as enjoyable. There's just no justice in trying to comment on this guy's moves. But I try. I'm positive you'll have your own little captions pop up.
In the ninja versus pirate debate, Calvin always chose ninja because he knew they had the coolest dance clubs.
Before the Family, little Charlie Manson aspired to be a dancer in a Broadway review.
Dwight's friends tried to convince him that there wasn't any nitrous oxide in the ventilation system and this wasn't Studio 54.
Every girl's eye was on him, and Roger thanked himself for remembering his Axe Body Spray. He was going to get lucky tonight!
This year's winner for the most original white boy dance is Hrothgar Smith.
Emmaline found this site and turned me onto it. With registration at AllLookSame being as simple as a username and some demographics (no name, address or such), you can take a number of multiple-choice tests. Food, architecture, art and faces, you choose whether the picture is Japanese, Chinese or Korean. It is not easy. Far from it, proving that we can never assume that we know the nationality of any person we see in our world and the influence of culture upon culture is a beautiful thing.
I don't remember when I first came across the following photo collection but I wanted to share them with you since I came across them again via Photojojo (Incidentally....if you haven't subscribed to Photojojo, you should.). The photos are haunting and for our society, which has grown unaccustomed to death, they make you feel uneasy. But still, they evoke emotion and introspection. In honor of those that have passed (yes, I'm late for Day of the Dead), I offer Walter Schels' collection to view.
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